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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

new cookies!

I recently added a bunch of cookies to my picasa album.. including my current favorites - the cinderella cookies for my cousin alyssa's birthday! I think that these cookies definitely rival my butterfly cookies as my personal choice for the best I have ever done!

I also added fruit and veggie cookies that I gave to my parents as part of their anniversary gift - the other part was a fresh produce delivery box for 4 weeks.. hence the theme.

I made favors for my nephew's preschool's halloween party - all bagged and tied with "trick-or-treat" ribbon.

As you can see from the "bud light" cookies.. beer is a common theme in my family. They are definitely fun to make and I am open to the challenge of new brands! I still need to add my brother's birthday cookies and my dad and step-mom's anniversary cookies. Coming soon!

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